Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 4 films.

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The Green Hornet

Fairly predictable but great fun.

(Edit) 18/07/2011

I found this film very enjoyable, being of a genre that reminds me of my childhood pretending to be comic superheroes (But in reality only rescuing the cat).

The plot line is classic and fairly predictable but the film is still good fun nonetheless. The effects are good and the humour pretty dry in places.

recommended for an easy to watch, enjoyable superhero romp.

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Paranormal Activity

Not what I expected.

(Edit) 18/07/2011

. I'm normally not a fan of these home camcorder type of movies, but this one is different.

I can honestly say that this film made every hair on my body stand on end repeatedly, and the ending was superb.

Highly recommended- but don't watch it alone!

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This film had a lot of promise

(Edit) 18/07/2011

...but it didn't keep it!

with a title such as "Monsters" you would expect there to be some in the film, but they conveniently only come out at night when you can't see them. Hmm.

I think the reason for this is that they were left over from the Kraken scene in the original 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1954) and remain just as convincing.

A remake with a decent FX budget- and some action- would've transformed the film, in my opinion.

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Patrol Men


(Edit) 18/07/2011

What a load of badly acted, badly scripted dross. Please don't waste your time on it as you'll most likely fall asleep before the end.

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