Film Reviews by None

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(Edit) 17/01/2008

Very unuseual, very well acted, and very enjoyable. P O'Toole

wonderful as ever, as for brassy bird with great boobs.

Liked it lots...

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Deja Vu

more like confused

(Edit) 17/01/2008

Nice idea,good acting but plot is contradictory and daft.

Made me smile with happy ending tho, (whoops-sorry)

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The Kingdom


(Edit) 27/03/2008

I was so dissapointed with this nonsense. Americans save the world, again yawn! Politaclly, socially and culturally incorrect, gun toting crap and US bravado that only serves to made the rest of the world despair at the bullshit they propogate.

Don't bother- unless you regularly hold long and diverse conversations with your goldfish.

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