Film Reviews by Darren

Welcome to Darren's film reviews page. Darren has written 4 reviews and rated 24 films.

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Sin City

Superb film. a little confusing in the middle

(Edit) 03/07/2012

This is a really good film. Most of the time it is in black and white but uses the highlighting effect similar to the red girl in Schindler's list, but does it a lot more and to a greater effect, there are numerous bits they do this and possibly just watch for the girl with subtle green eyes to see this effect being used really well.

The entire film is two different stories in two halves and in the middle you think your watching a totally different story. But at the end the producer brings you back into the first story but also cleverly merges characters into it from the second story through the use of hints of colour and then the whole jigsaw all starts to fit into place.

I watched it on my 64" projector screen and this produced a really good viewing of the film.

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Repo! the Genetic Opera

If Circus of Horrors did a film this would be it.

(Edit) 20/04/2012

Really good film, quite graphic in places but certainly not your average slice and dice type movie. Actually has a proper story line that it concentrates on.

The guy who plays the grave robber in it, I could have sworn he was Dr Haze from Circus of Horrors, however after looking at the credits it isn't him.

If you have ever seen Circus of Horrors and liked their show, you will love this, or if you like the game Bioshock this has a similar story line in places with the grave robber robbing the drug from people the same way that the children rob Eve from the dead people in Bioshock.

Really good enjoyable movie, good music throughout as well keeps it lively and entertaining.

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Bedtime Stories

Superb film

(Edit) 16/02/2011

Adam Sandler is brilliant in this film. Great film regardless of your age, some really funny bits, especially when Skeeter finds out that tweeking stories to aid yourself doesn't always result in what you'd expect.

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Superhero Movie

Worst spoof "The Movie" series seen

(Edit) 12/02/2009

These "Movie" spoof series have been getting worse and worse, the first few Scary Movies were good and were really funny. But sadly now they have started making too many of these films. In Superhero Movie there are numerous times that there could have been some superb jokes, and even in the out takes there were extra jokes that could have made the movie even more funny. But all these extra bits were missed by the team who has got way too complacent thinking they can just splice together numerous other movies, add one or two crude jokes and get lucky. I thought with it having Lesley Neilsen in it it might have been a bit more funnier than some of the others, but sadly it is a major let down.

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