Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 7 reviews and rated 15 films.

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The Sleeping Dictionary


(Edit) 28/01/2013

My Hubby and I both enjoyed this movie. It had historical interest, romance, humour and visually worth watching. Predictable in places, but Jessica Alba, Bob Hoskins and Brenda Blethyn made it well worth watching.

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(Edit) 13/12/2012

Another film I struggled to get through, Nicholas Cage did his best Nicole Kidman not so good. I though the story could have been so much better, but wouldn't recommend it.

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Teaching Mrs. Tingle

Not for over 50's!

(Edit) 13/12/2012

We survived half an hour of this film, got it for Helen Mirren, will be more discerning next time. Probably aimed at teens and young twenties?

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The Help

Agree with Critic review

(Edit) 17/11/2012

Both my husband and I enjoyed this film and both laughed and felt for the situations. 140 minutes went by very quickly! Recommended

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The Pledge


(Edit) 16/07/2012

Enjoyed the acting, scenery and plot. Slightly disappointed by the ending, but would recommend and probably watch again.

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Something for everyone

(Edit) 14/05/2012

Fast pace, plenty of action and special effects, at times reminded us of James Bond films.

I watched this film several times and look forward to the sequel.

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The Man Who Cried


(Edit) 01/03/2012

Enjoyed this film, especially as Johnny Depp is in it! More opera than I was expecting and I would have liked more of the history explored, especially at the end.

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