Film Reviews by mb

Welcome to mb's film reviews page. mb has written 6 reviews and rated 6 films.

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Enchanted Kingdom

This movies as a strong Christian message.

(Edit) 24/04/2020

I got so bored that I couldn’t finish to watch it.

It could be OK if you have very young children, pre-teen and if you have some religious believes. It is cheesy, little predictable and perhaps not for everyone.

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Tale of Tales

Ok not great

(Edit) 02/08/2018

Amazing location and costumes. Stories Ok-ish at least originals not Disney style. I had the feeling that towards the end they ran out of time and interest and just decided: “Ok let’s end it here”.

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Big Hero 6

Very nice story

(Edit) 04/02/2017

I loved this movie.

It is a lovely story, slightly different from the latest Disney. I found it a little bit darker, so maybe not very suitable if your children are very


I will recommend it especially if you are a manga/anime fans, as there is a strong Japanese influence in the characters.

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The Duff


(Edit) 19/09/2015

No much different from other teenage movie, predictable end from the first 20 minutes.

It seemed to me a bad copy of Mean Girl.

I didn't like it.

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Wolf Children

Sweet anime

(Edit) 08/09/2015

I liked this movie. The story is quite simple but the way it has been told is really interesting. Lovely animation. If you like Studio Ghibi movies you might like this one too.

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John Wick

Different action movie

(Edit) 08/09/2015

It could be the usual boring action movie, but there is a little twist at the begin of it that made it quite atypical. I found it really entertaining. Nice story, good action scenes. I loved the main character, well played By Keanu reeves.

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