Film Reviews by None

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The Assassin

Emperor's New Clothes

(Edit) 06/10/2016

Call me a philistine, but I actually fast forwarded a lot of this film. Most of it is stunningly beautiful shots of the Chinese countryside that go on FOREVER. It's like watching a tour of an art gallery, but it's not a film. There is minimal dialogue so the story is confusing for those not familiar with the Chinese folk tale. As someone obsessed with interior design and fabric, I found myself exclaiming about the exquisite brocade, chiffon and silk curtains wafting about in every interior shot. That is not what I should be doing when watching a film. We have a saying in the North of England- " All mouth and no trousers" and that is what sums up this film.

I can't believe a film company funded this. If you want to immerse yourself in interior design or beautiful paintings in an art gallery, then by all means get this film, but if you're looking to view a Chinese Film about an ancient folk tale, don't bother.

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What We Do in the Shadows


(Edit) 15/07/2015
Spoiler Alert

Lasted 15 minutes watching this. Gave up the will to live at that point. I really don't want to waste any more of my life talking about it. Save yourself from a similar fate and do not rent this film.

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(Edit) 26/04/2015

I really expected better of this film. The script was dire, the plot line seemed to be made up as it went along. The introduction of the Matt Damon segment seemed to have been included simply to add a nemesis for Matthew McConaughey and was utterly unbelievable. Needed a new script, better plot and ruthless editing to turn it into anything like a decent film. The only impressive SFX was towards the end when Matthew was stuck in the time dimension. Felt I wasted nearly 3 hours of my life. I would retitle it as "The Emperor's New Clothes".

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