Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 6 reviews and rated 19 films.

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The Social Network

Excellent! Must watch film

(Edit) 04/08/2011

What a great film. From knowing nothing about the film and generally despising facebook I finished watch this story with a respect for Mark Zuckerberg (facebbok creator) for his ingenuity and skill in the creation and his hard nosed theft (if you will) of the idea. The story line is interesting, funny in parts and because it's real life not a hollywood creation there is no guarentee that it will all turn out right in the end. I checked out the characters online after the film and was surprised how well cast they were to look similar to the real lifers. JT can act quite well also.

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Mediocre Action thriller

(Edit) 04/08/2011

As others have said "over hyped" I would agree I waited a long time for this film to be delivered and expected a lot more of it. Angelina looks fabulous as always. The cold war left over plot is old hat now. Nice little twist towards the end. A watchable film generally with the typical big budget hollywood stunts but there is just something missing, maybe a touch of ironic humour (al a Bond).

Switch off and enjoy.

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Just Don't Bother

(Edit) 19/07/2011

Gore for the sake of it! It you want to watch people dying and flesh being hewn from the human body this if the movie for you. You could just stand outside your local butchers though.

Plot is flimsy and thinly drawn on the original saw idea.

The gruesom torture devises are a pleanty.

In my opinion no good.

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Layer Cake

Good Solid Gangster Movie

(Edit) 03/09/2011

A good credible gangster flick in the same genre as Lock Stock. Good performances from Craig, Gambon et al. The story follows Daniel Craig who is a drug middle man who gets wrapped up in a load of stolen pills. Some good twists and turns and double crosses. Excellent british film making!

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Good Cast poor plot and script

(Edit) 14/08/2011

With De Niro and Norton headlining this had the potential to be a good movie. But the script is filled with irrelevant dead ends and un explained plot lines. De Niro is a parole officers with a troubled past? Unexplained from the opening sequence, one of his final cases is Norton who enlists his wife to pursuade De Niro to approve his parole. End of story. So then you end up asking your self what is the relationship with De Niro and wife? where does golf come into it? Why did he do the stuff with Jovovich if he is a good parole officer? Is Norton reformed or not?

I would recommend watching something else.

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(Edit) 04/08/2011

Trapped on a cold ski lift would you fall asleep without your glove on? No neither would I. The wolves were a bit to used to human beings for my liking. I would say nice second or third attempt for a trainee director with a difficult to stretch out story.

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