Film Reviews by None

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No plot, no aliens, no enjoyment.

(Edit) 10/08/2011

Sadly, Monsters is not another thrilling alien epic film to add the collection. It is instead utterly dull, another example of how CGI is no replacement for plot when it comes to creating a good film.

We were given very little actual background information on not only the aliens, but on the reason they came to Earth and why some people insisted on wearing gas masks and others didn't. The main actors lacked chemistry or sympathy, in particular the leading male who, despite being in a long-term relationship, thought it would be a good idea to sleep with a prostitute, steal cameras from dead bodies and, in the final scene, also get off with the main female actress too. The last romantic moment was bizarre, as the two of them hadn't so much as flirted but when they saw two aliens fling tentacles at each other in a demonstration of Monster love, they suddenly were overcome with passion enough to have a brief kiss.

As a last gripe - the aliens appeared to be little more than overland cephalopods which, scientifically, wouldn't be able to support themselves with their weedy tentacle limbs. No matter whether they are glowing or not.

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Hydra: The Lost Island

1960's B-movie Refugee?

(Edit) 03/08/2011

An excellent film on entertainment basis, but on a comical scale rather than a thrilling/action-adventure style escapade. The acting talent is lacking, the CGI monster comical and the sets decidedly 1960's Doctor Who. The only half decent feature to attribute to the film is the script, but with feeble acting talent it is quickly destroyed. The main character is unsympathetic, as is the leading floosy and the entire plot is full of more holes than the hydra had heads.

Amusing, yes. But scientifically - how did the hydra swim with a slug for a body?

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