Film Reviews by None

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(Edit) 21/04/2006

I hadn't seen the stage version of this so I didn't know what to expect. The costumes and make up were very good, and all the songs that were popular were good, but I found it lacking on a storyline.

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3 Blind Mice

3 Blind Mice Review

(Edit) 20/03/2006

Quite a good thriller - kept me on my toes.

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The Phantom of the Opera


(Edit) 30/03/2006

If you enjoyed the stage version you will love this. The music, as ever, is superb, the atmosphere is great, and the subtle use of sepia and colour works well. I would rent this DVD again.

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Hotel Rwanda


(Edit) 21/04/2006

Excellent film. Gave you some idea of the terror of the Rwandan war and how Europeans had caused the divisions between the Rwandans.

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