Film Reviews by LC

Welcome to LC's film reviews page. LC has written 5 reviews and rated 80 films.

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(Edit) 01/02/2017

I am watching and want it to finish.

What a really annoying movie.

No likeable characters at all.

Is this the guy who did 'In the Bedroom'. Thought that was overrated too. Not a fan.

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Steve Jobs


(Edit) 22/10/2016

I watched it but it just seemed there wasn't that much story.

They seemed hard-pressed to make him at all an interesting person.

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Sooooo Bad

(Edit) 11/07/2015

I am about to turn this off and it is so embarrassingly bad .

What was Jake thinking of?

Bye Bye Movie. I don't care what happens.

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Mr. Turner


(Edit) 19/03/2015

This movie was terrible.

All the characters were played badly and it was like a comedy,

I just didn't get it.

If Turner was really like this well its really sad to see him portrayed this way.

And the Housekeeper?????

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Northanger Abbey


(Edit) 19/11/2014

This was like a silly love affair.

I am surprised at Andrew Davies who usually does great adaptions.

He changes storylines and seems in a rush to conclude.

I wasn't impressed with the actress who played Catherine. She might be more suited to soaps where shedoesn't have to convey any deeper feelings.

Mr. Tilney the younger was very good thoigh.

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