Film Reviews by None

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Open Water

Don't bother!

(Edit) 06/01/2006

I was really looking forward to seing this film but it was incredibly slow - mostly two people bobbing around in the water. Very low budget and not good acting - sorry; the story is amazing and the factual reality of their situation is shocking and scary. Sadl (in my opinion) the film completely failed to grab and we kept fast forwarding.

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The Stepford Wives

Good fun

(Edit) 06/01/2006

Enjoyable film - it did not take itself too seriously and the acting was terrific. Dark comedy angle; entertaining with fabulous acting - great quality film-making.

Definately worth your time!

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The Adventures of Huck Finn

Quite a surprising film..

(Edit) 24/04/2006

Generally a well made film but very dark and quite violent. Murder, shootings and close up footage of corpses and a near hanging, makes for pretty scary television for kids. Lots of under- currents and sadness but luckily with a happy "Dineyesque" ending. We had lots of hiding behing cushions and our kids did not really enjoy this.

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