Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Not as good as I thought

(Edit) 07/07/2008

The film is ok and the graphic is fantastic. However, it did not hit my expectations; I actually thought it was going to be better.

The end is a bit silly, even for a cartoon.

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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter

(Edit) 07/07/2008

The film is quite good and interesting. However, it is definitively not as good as the book.

You get to a point in the film where you really want to know what happens but the end seems a bit rushed!!!

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Night at the Museum

Good fun

(Edit) 07/07/2008

The film is quite silly but funny.

You enjoy yourself for a couple of hours but you would not remember the film particularly.

Cast is full of stars and good actors.

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