Film Reviews by Kd

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Samson and Delilah

my sort of film

(Edit) 11/05/2016

loved the pace of this film. and real people rather than trained actors. the music, which I loved, is all part of the story, we hear what they hear, no irrelevant background music is used. very sad, but showing life of the indigenous Australians whose land has been taken from them. we don't see this side in most films.

also liked the other short films by same director on the disc, giving a taste of this directors work.

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(Edit) 02/02/2016

really enjoyed this film. I hadn't realised about wild camels. not read the book, but after watching film think I should.

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5 Broken Cameras

real life in Occupied Palestine

(Edit) 02/02/2016

this is not acted - it's real footage of what life is like in occupied Palestine. everyone should see this film who cares about humanity and injustice.

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Budrus review

(Edit) 21/12/2015

an excellent film that everyone should see, to learn what really is going on in Occupied Palestine. but the subtitles, which are in white, are really hard to read when the background is also white.

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