Film Reviews by None

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Graphic Novels

(Edit) 06/09/2009

Saw the trailers and read the reviews and thought this would be a great film. However I bitterly disappointed with the pace and constant flashbacks.

This is a great attempt to adapt a graphic novel, but areas of the novel should have stayed in the novel, thus making the film about 45 minutes too long.

Maybe shorter and in a more graphic novel style (such as the Frank Miller adaptations) would have made this film more watchable.

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2012: Doomsday


(Edit) 28/02/2010

Quite easily the worst film I have ever seen (and I've seen Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus).

It's tagline is "A Modern Christian Epic in the Tradition of The Omega Code and Left Behind." Says it all really. Everything from the Rapture to the second coming is in this film complete with an "End of Days" destruction of the earth. Only made worse by the fact that Gerry Anderson could have created less wooden actors.

Just a truly terrible film.

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