Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Sarah's Key


(Edit) 29/03/2016

Loved this film, as did my friends - maybe not the most original subject, but well acted and moving, we liked the mix of French and English language

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Not for me

(Edit) 29/03/2016

The first two minutes were funny, after that I struggled to see any humour and found it depressing and dull - sorry

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As If I Am Not There


(Edit) 17/02/2016

Hard hitting and very moving, the film brings home the suffering of ordinary people caught up in power struggles

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Thumbs down

(Edit) 17/02/2016

The first five minutes was funny but it was downhill after that. None of the characters was at all appealing.

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