Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 4 films.

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Silent Hill

Awful...Don't bother

(Edit) 14/11/2006

I haven't played the game, but can tell you as a film, it is truly awful. Gave up after about 20 mins. Made no sense, appeared to have no real plotline, just bizarre, not even scary! Don't waste your time or money!

Sean Bean must be so embarassed to have this on his resume?!

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Imagine Me and You

poor imitation of 4 weddings & a Funeral style

(Edit) 11/11/2006

This film probably looked great on paper and should have had all the elements of a great film, but it never truly gelled. It lacked belief and warmth, I just could not connect with any of the characters. The lead male sounded liked Hugh Grant and it was very reminiscient of 4 weddings or Notting hill, but had none of the fun. Very dull, even though it was ultimately a lesbian love story!

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If you liked the original series, you will enjoy

(Edit) 11/11/2006

I was sceptical about this film, as most of the movies that have been done based on an old tv show have been truly awful, but I really did enjoy this one. I loved all the old references and clips of the original Bewitched with Elizabeth Montgomery. A very sweet and funny film, that you may lose yourself in for 90mins or so. A real chick flick.

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