Film Reviews by None

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Red Sparrow

Better than I thought

(Edit) 11/12/2018

I saw the trailer to this in a cinema, so was struck by the wide screen and exciting plot. When it arrived I checked out reviews, and my expectation went way down. It isn't a faultless film by any means - the relationship between Joel Edgerton and Jennifer Lawrence in particular is weak, considering they fall in love.

But, it was really exciting, and not knowing how JL was really thinking (a criticism voiced above) throughout was a plus. The denouement was thus a good twist, and I do hope they will make a sequel with a better director and scriptwriter

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The Disaster Artist

Slow to engage, but....

(Edit) 19/06/2018

15 minutes in to this and I was thinking of turning it off, but I'm glad I didn't. Tommy Wiseau is a truly weird guy. James Franco's accent almost needs subtitles and you can't believe someone actually talks like this - but it's hilarious when you watch the extra article after the movie and see the real TW with James Franco and realise he really does talk like this.

The movie does (eventually) engage and entertain, and I'm very glad I persevered. The Room is the strangest movie and would never have been made without Wiseau's cash (wherever that came from!), and this seems pretty true to how it all happened (if you compare it to the Wikipedia page).

Possibly a film for cineastes but I do recommend it

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Baby Driver

Baby Driver, Adult Movie

(Edit) 06/02/2018

Great soundtrack, and not as I'd thought, dominating the whole movie. A better plot line than I'd expected, and I enjoyed it more than expected too.

It's not art of course, and character depth is somewhat lacking in the women's roles - and you could argue the central characters themselves play cipher or caricatures of good/bad guys. But it is made with an artistic eye and is good to watch.

The end is a bit twee, but hey, at least we're not left wondering what happened next

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