Film Reviews by AS

Welcome to AS's film reviews page. AS has written 2 reviews and rated 2 films.

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La La Land

Very disappointing

(Edit) 30/01/2018

After hearing all the rave reviews and being a fan of musicals I was looking forward to this film......SO disappointing. The music was quite good but the acting and dancing was very boring, almost amateurish. Nothing to make you say 'WOW'. A lot of mumbling too.

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Blade Runner

So dark, not in the artistic sense !

(Edit) 04/01/2018

Heard this was a great film, visually it was impressive and the music was very atmospheric. But the whole thing took place in the dark and rain......we gave it 45 minutes and then felt so depressed and longing for some light, we gave up. Neither of us cared about the characters or hat the ending was.

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