Film Reviews by Ian F

Welcome to Ian F's film reviews page. Ian F has written 3 reviews and rated 184 films.

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(Edit) 22/04/2021

No idea what was going on half the time as the whole film relies on an unintelligible premise. Gave up before the end.

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Invasion Planet Earth

Bad in pretty much every respect

(Edit) 13/02/2020

Oh boy ... worth watching as an exercise in how to make a really naff film. Despite an interesting plot twist, the acting and production were dreadful ... spent the first half of the film wondering what on earth (forgive the pun) was going on. Reviewing while a huge credits rolls past ... really, most of these people should get a different job.

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The Dead Don't Die


(Edit) 31/01/2020

I think this film is trying to be Fargo vs Planet Terror, but despite the great cast, it's crap. Utter pants.

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