Film Reviews by OH

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Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light: Series

Product of time.

(Edit) 16/09/2019

I'm in my mid 20s and I watched this for the first time in 2019. I saw it recommended by an artist I like as one of his favourite cartoons so I decided to give it watch. It is definitely a product of it's time. The dialogue can sometimes be funny or endearing, but the stories are pretty weak. However, it's probably what you'd expect from a cartoon that was made to sell toys.

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Rambo: First Blood

My first Rambo movie

(Edit) 03/09/2019

I had never seen a Rambo movie before watching this and I had wrongly assumed that this movie franchise was going to be a boring action movie. After watching this movie I think it was of my all time favourite 80s movies. It explores Rambo's struggles with returning from the Vietnam war. His country used and abused him and then forgets about him, and he stumbles upon some small town cops who abuse him for being a drifter. Rambo is suffering from some sort of PTSD in this movie and as a result the abuse of his captors causes him to snap. This movie is a much deeper commentary on the state of affairs at the time than I had ever assumed it to be. Rambo is also a pretty badass character. Highly recommend. Although I hear the later movies in the franchise aren't really like this.

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Bad Boys II

Not as good as the first one.

(Edit) 04/09/2019

This movie probably has the funniest scene in the Bad Boys franchise - with Reggie. It's a fun movie, but not as good as the first one.

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