Film Reviews by MJ

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Split - watch it only to see James McAvoy

(Edit) 11/10/2017

I agree entirely with NP's review (although adding spoilers is mean!). Having enjoyed M Night's past work - 'The Village' I thought was particularly good - you wouldn't be blamed for expecting a certain calibre from him.

Unfortunately I found this effort rather silly and demanded more suspension of disbelief that I was willing to give.

James McAvoy is always watchable however and he gives his all to this as you would expect - he's come a long way down the road of Superstardom sine 'Inside I'm Dancing' - but I would advise everyone to manage their expectations.

Better luck next time M Night!

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A touching film about the futility of war

(Edit) 11/10/2017

To be recommended. A touching, sensitive and well-acted piece (although I'm not sure I entirely understood where Anna was heading at the end but perhaps that's ok).

To be enjoyed on a Sunday afternoon with some tea and cake.

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