Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 4 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Howl's Moving Castle


(Edit) 08/09/2017

A really good movie. A tale of wizards, world war and witches. Great animation style. Main character was a kind wizard.

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Titan A.E.


(Edit) 23/08/2017

We thought this was a classic space movie ?? and we loved the story of the hero who has to save the human race.

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Spirited Away


(Edit) 16/08/2017

Watched this with my 7-year old. Loved the Alice-In-Wonderland-esque oddness. We're big fans of animated films so enjoyed this one with the theme of river dragons and how the spell was broken. We did find it a little long though.

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

We loved this

(Edit) 14/08/2017

I wasn't sure whether to have high hopes for this, but myself and my 7-year old son both loved it - the combination of Arthurian legend, special effects and magic was right up his street. He's a big Percy Jackson fan and we found lots of similarities, very much a hero's journey kind of film.

In his words, 'it was awesome and I liked the Merlin theme'.

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