Film Reviews by AS

Welcome to AS's film reviews page. AS has written 4 reviews and rated 17 films.

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Marathon Man

A bit of a shame, but understood -

(Edit) 28/06/2023

It must have been sad for the great Schlesinger to have to go so ‘mainstream’ after his previous works, however it was a commercially sensible decision to make. I don’t understand why he didn’t use his renewed reputation and resources to make better films in the future. Shame. 

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Pretentious nonsense.

(Edit) 27/08/2021

There’s nothing at all redeeming to say about this over-wrought and pretentious gay/bi drama. I’m a patient type of viewer, but watched the last half hour on fast-forward in case there were any arse shots. What an absolute load of rubbish!

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Cassandra's Dream

A Woody miss -

(Edit) 16/03/2021

When Woody Allen makes a good film, he makes a very good film (‘Blue Jasmine’, ‘ Vicky Cristina Barcelona’, ‘Another Woman’, etc., etc.) - but when he makes a bad one, he really makes a bad one! - and this is one of those to add to the ‘Wonder Wheel’, ‘A Rainy Day in New York’, ‘Scoop’ and ‘Irrational Man’ list. The ‘misses’ seem to be becoming more frequent than the ‘hits’ - I’m sorry about this, as he can be so ‘spot on’. 

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A worthy tale, I feel sure -

(Edit) 11/01/2021

Whilst I haven’t yet any of this author’s works I now feel interested - but would have liked to be pointed in that direction by a work less stylised. It’s all very self-indulgent indeed, which is a shame, as there are very talented characters involved in this project. Stuck it out until the end, but shouldn’t have really.

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