Film Reviews by None

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1945: From this Day


(Edit) 14/10/2018

Boring. Slow. Dull. Plotless and pointless.

Not t worth rental or your time.

Boring. Slow. Dull. Plotless and pointless.

Not worth rental or your time.




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(Edit) 14/10/2018

Worth hanging on for.

Slow start. But very good when it gets going

Enjoyed its very poignant end and subliminal opinions.

Good acting and some great scenes.

Leaves you realising hi s hard the west was won..........??

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You Were Never Really Here

Absolute rubbish

(Edit) 11/10/2018

What trash. Real rubbish. What a waste of my rental. Disgraceful that anyone would stock this tripe. A complete waste of my evening and this does not live up to any positive reviews. This film is not worth watching in anyway shape or form. Don’t waste your time. This is an awfully acted poorly filmed and stupid meaningless plot with nothing in the way of any worthy ending that is worth ‘holding on for’ waiting for something of some good to come from enduring the films boring and pathetic duration. A long boring stupid waste of a film. Just crap.

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