Film Reviews by CS

Welcome to CS's film reviews page. CS has written 7 reviews and rated 9 films.

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Rambo: Last Blood

Because violence has consequences

(Edit) 10/02/2020

Although not the Rambo some people would've liked, this film unapologetically does what it says on the tin, it's a no-nonsense blood and guts old school actioner. Stallone plays his tried and tested Vietnam veteran in the worn out style of a man who has at last found some meaning in his life. Its a good performance and one which pits the aging hero against a group of foes he's never faced before. While the story arc is somewhat predictable, it manages to stay relevant with its theme of people trafficking and cartel violence. It doesn't flinch when it comes to showing the consequences of violence and even takes Rambo into the territory of what it means to be a father. This is a far more gritty instalment then we've seen so far in the series and even if the end is somewhat unlikely, it's a down to earth, heartfelt performance by Stallone of a man of violence trying to 'keep the lid on it'.

Personally, I'm glad he didn't try too hard.

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Ad Astra

Doesn't go quite as far as the stars

(Edit) 10/02/2020

If you're expecting Aliens, Star ship Troopers or even the tripped out grandeur of 2001 A Space Odessey, this film isn't for you. Admittedly, it is slow, but not without merit. The story is an interesting one and although ultimately unsatisfactory, its still worth the price of admission. Pitt is quality here, to say that he is unemotional is a misunderstanding of the character he plays. His calm demeanour and level headedness under conditions of extreme danger are what gets him chosen for his mission. His one Achilles heel is the very object of his search, one which has cost him his relationship with his wife, played by the very easy on the eye Liv Tyler, who makes a brief cameo here. Much of the film is metaphor, which I fear, is the reason that some people just won't get it, but it does go to some lengths to show The Hero's Journey and the difficult and often dark choices which must be made along the way. The film looks very good and has a strange , almost 1970's feel. It is visually beautiful in many scenes but let down by a drab performance from Tommy Lee Jones and underwhelming dialogue in the end confrontation, which certainly could've been a lot better. Not brilliant, but definitely not the Pitts either.

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Ari Aster....go back to school

(Edit) 10/02/2020

Midsommar is an example of a director who started off with the decidedly mediocre Hereditary, descending further through the average ranks into the downright bland. There have been rather a lot of films about religious cults in secluded areas and most of them done a lot better than this. The Wicker Man is the obvious comparison and Ari Aster tries, but miserably fails to pull off anything anywhere near as good here. The cast is a mostly unremarkable bunch of dull brats with equally poor character arcs and limp dialogue which is matched only by a story so full of holes it should've been a victim of the St.Valantine's Day Massacre. I can only assume the director doesn't watch many films or has allowed himself to become overly influenced by the plots of the very few that he actually has taken the time to view. Even TY West's stab at this subject matter was better than this drivel.

Lets hope all surviving copies of this lilly-white claptrap get rounded up and placed in a certain man shaped sacrificial structure. Sooner the better.

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Killing Eve: Series 2

boring trash

(Edit) 01/09/2019

More apologist inverted claptrap attempting to pass for entertainment. Very weak, inverted rubbish, poor dialogue and pathetic storyline hideously unfunny, try hard virtue signalling trash for snowflake millennials.

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Kidding: Series 1

Vapid agenda driven rubbish

(Edit) 20/06/2019
Spoiler Alert

Yet another appallingly bad series and reason to agree that Jim Carey deserves the ridicule and obscurity he's gained after a string of flops. What could've been an intelligent, humorous and insightful look at a career breakdown lapses into nothing more than repulsive and puerile shocks, many of which directly involve children. The person most directly responsible for this dross, Dave Holstein is either stupid or a complete degenerate or very likely, both. If the people responsible for this stood back and took a long look at the inappropriate way the series treats children, they might consider doing something far more constructive i.e taking a long walk off the edge of a very high cliff. Ironic that in the age of 'me too', almost fascistic political correctness and sjw's, this kind of repulsive rubbish is seen as entertainment.

Do yourself a favour, don't bother.

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Westworld: Series 2

Very poor

(Edit) 19/02/2019

Much pose and little substance in the second series. Can't help feeling Westworld is a one trick pony, there is a sound central idea, but most of the episodes are padding. Tawdry and very dull.

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Deadpool 2


(Edit) 22/09/2018

After an amusing start with the first film, the sequel has slipped into less interesting and certainly a more darker tone, which concerns violence towards children, abuse themes and the usual pathetic social justice warrior agenda driven drivel which has blighted Marvel over the past few years. It's an utter disgrace that this has been allowed to happen, even in terms of Deadpool's decidedly more adult themes, this rubbish is unacceptable. Do yourself a favour...give it a miss.

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