Film Reviews by TF

Welcome to TF's film reviews page. TF has written 6 reviews and rated 24 films.

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After the age of hola hola.

(Edit) 04/04/2017

A Spanish cartoon dubbed in America. Ignore the dubbing which is not great. However the story has humour, and you will sympathise with the characters. I don't think that actors would have captured the frailty of old age in the way that animation can; for instance In the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, the characters are old, but hardly frail, - here they are.

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Dignity under oppression.

(Edit) 10/12/2016

This film's subject is Life under the oppressive Boko Harlan in the Malian city of Timbuktu, and some of it was filmed in nearby Mauritania.

In parts it is deliberately slow. i am used to much more 'speed' in film viewing. A few words on the oppressive regime. Their excesses only emphasise the dignity of the people they oppress. There are language barriers between the regime and the oppressed, so each little would be warlord has his driver/ translator. I am not an expert on Islam, but the source language in Islam is Arabic, and the local people who already are Muslim, have some Arabic. Like the string of beads the film portrays a number of examples of every day oppression. "How" says a local women "am I supposed to wear gloves at your insistence, I sell fish".

Worth watching, but some of the scenes are harrowing.

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Charlie's Country

Affecting film about struggling with poverty and change

(Edit) 10/04/2016

The opening shot is if a road entering an aboriginal Australian 'area'. Alcohol is banned, and when the aboriginees cross this line, they can still be banned (from purchasing alcohol). This is part of the tragedy, and Charlie thinks that the land should be theirs. Charlie retains his sense of humour, and with it some sense of his identity and of dignity. But things will go wrong and he must overcome them.

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The Lunchbox

Lonely in Mumbai

(Edit) 17/03/2016

All the above reviews capture what i liked about this movie. I enjoyed watching the extras, to hear the view of the director and of the actress who played Ila. The use of English and Hindi was interesting, and created yet another divide for the star-crossed pair.

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Breakfast at Tiffany's

New York romance

(Edit) 17/03/2016

Audrey Hepburn is the star of the movie and iconic in the role. I have read the book, and Hollywood has managed to turn a rather off beat observational novella into a 'happily ever after' rom-com.

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So much not right

(Edit) 16/05/2015

The earlier review was accurate. I wondered why the bomb squad scene was made the way it was, poorly lit, and mumbled. It was a foretaste of what was to come. Unlikely scenes and a lack of dramatic tension. Sadly there is so much that is not right with this film.

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