Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 7 reviews and rated 7 films.

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Harry Brown

Golden Caine

(Edit) 18/11/2010

Really enjoyed this film. Michael Caine at his best, playing an elderly ex-Marine with a score to settle when his chess playing friend is killed by a gang of teenagers.

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The Invention of Lying

Predictable Gervais

(Edit) 05/11/2010

Disappointed with another predictable Gervais movie. He seems incapable of breaking free from playing similar characters. Did not find this very comical and would not recommend this if you need a laugh.

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Inglourious Basterds

Glourious war drama

(Edit) 17/12/2010

Excellent war drama starring Brad Pitt. He was sometimes not very convincing in this film but this is worth a watch. Very explicit and the subtitles move at a very fast pace.

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Unthinkable gore

(Edit) 22/12/2010

This was not the type of film I thought this was going to be. It looked like a type of '24' film, but was based on torture. Not my cup of tea.

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Wild Target

Wild brilliance

(Edit) 08/12/2010

Bill Nighy plays a blinder in this film. I was not looking forward to watching it, but it is extremely watchable and a bit difference. Funny and I am surprised I have not read more of this film in the papers.

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Desert spice

(Edit) 15/11/2010

Fast paced family fun with the Jake playing the main character. Lovely scenary and a good film for all the family.

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Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Flash film

(Edit) 09/11/2010

Very exciting family film. Gives Harry Potter a run for the money. I hope there is a sequel to come.

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