Film Reviews by WW

Welcome to WW's film reviews page. WW has written 2 reviews and rated 8 films.

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Yes, exquisite

(Edit) 17/08/2021

A beautiful, deeply touching film. I watched it again the next day, savouring every detail. I'm not usually all that keen on the music of Ludovico Einaudi but the soundtrack was good. If you are fond of rocky landscapes (internal and external), cacti and heart centred folk, you might well enjoy this film. I don't know if the characters were actors or real people being themselves but it felt like the latter - maybe both, almost a blend of documentary and story. Frances McDormand is exceptional. I don't usually write reviews but this film stands out for me, definitely one for the collection.

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Way ahead of its time.

(Edit) 05/06/2019

Way ahead of its time, even now. Well worth watching if you have questions about life the universe and everything.........

Loved it.

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