Film Reviews by None

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47 Ronin

47 Ruined

(Edit) 16/07/2014

This is by far the worst Keanu Reeves film I have ever seen. It makes he's performance in Bram Stoker's Dracula worthy of an Oscar. What on earth was he thinking when he signed up to make this pile of s***t? He would of done he's career more favours by starring in Speed 2. There are not many films I don't finish watching till the end but this one, I'm sorry but it ruined about 47 minutes of my time and then I gave up on it completely. Truly, truly awful, just dire. If this had been a Japanese subtitled film with foreign unknown actors then perhaps it would of done it more favours. Having Keane in it just f****d it up big time. Rant over....

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