Film Reviews by CK

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(Edit) 29/04/2022

Only by watching this as if it were a comedy allows the experience to become, marginally, tolerable.

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The Blue Angel

"I was made that way...... can't help it”

(Edit) 19/11/2018

A movie with a simple plot but populated by characters who are given rich complexity via the spectacularly talented cast.

The scenes in which Professor Rath journeys to and from the Blue Angel club, weaving through the distorted angles of the sharply twisted and confining expressionist urban landscape, are delicious. The sets, lighting and cinematography, combine in magnificent accord – and are astonishingly well rendered by this 2013 bluray restoration.

The movie culminates in an extraordinarily bleak conclusion - one which would likely not be permitted in this age of ‘test screenings‘ and lowest common denominator audience approval.

A masterpiece to be savoured by anyone with even the faintest interest in the aspirations of the creative arts and/or the mysteries of the human condition.

“Love's always been my game

Play it how I may

I was made that way......

Can't help it”

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Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks

Dr Who?

(Edit) 05/07/2018

A smattering of amusing inconsistencies in the Doctor's character are evident here but also several charming embellishments to the suave epicurean that Pertwee plays so convincingly.

A first rate Dalek serial with much to recommend it. Not least of which being the Ogrons - a race long overdue for revival in the current iteration of Who. Although, perhaps let us wait for the next regeneration......

One caution, however, only disc 1 is supplied - which means that the version which benefits from the latterly CGI enhanced battle and improved Dalek voices is not included.

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Roscosmos 1 - NASA 0

(Edit) 02/07/2018

Full disclosure - as as child of the 1960's and a lifelong fan of space missions, who is also keen on foreign language films, then I fully expected to enjoy this movie. Further, as Alexey Leonov undertook the duties of senior technical advisor then one expected that the story might be largely authentic if not entirely accurate.

The film is a cracking romp - a misty eyed celebration of the glory days of the Soviet Union, wringing every last drop of excitement from the fraught drama. This 'seat-of-the-pants' type of space exploration was only possible during the halcyon days of the Space Race and there ought to be more movies like this (and Apollo 13) which celebrate the reckless heroism of the men who thrilled the entire planet with their derring-do.

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