Film Reviews by RS

Welcome to RS's film reviews page. RS has written 7 reviews and rated 14 films.

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The Current War

gave up up after 30 seconds

(Edit) 09/02/2020

When a film has long pointless captions giving you exposition you know you are in bad hands. turned it off after 3 minutes

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

I didn't want to this, but...

(Edit) 10/03/2019

I saw the trailer and had no desire to this - there was even a scene in the trailer with a cop that looked plucked straight from 'Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs' - but I got an invite to a free screening and had a couple of free beers before going in with my 11 year old daughter - At first I thought Sony was projecting a 3-D movie without the glasses and was ready to complain and then something happened - I kind of got sucked into the Spider-Verse I guess, where you are bombarded with rule-breaking, mind-bending, genre-bending animation that seemed to bring comic books to life - by the end of the film I was in love - and the end of titles alone were like watching 2001 - A Space Odyssey for the first time! So if in doubt - there is a reason why this won the Oscar and the Bafta, beating Incredibles 2 - it's innovative, inventive and exciting and like the originalLego Movie feels fresh, witty, fast and groundbreaking.

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(Edit) 17/02/2019

Couldn't get though it. Felt familiar. Too much needless exposition trying to make up for lack of character. By the time he becomes irritatingly possessed I'd had enough.

It was actually better done in the Oz B-movie 'Upgrade'.

Shame because I like the rest of the Marvel stuff.

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The Predator

Shockingly poor!

(Edit) 02/02/2019

I was only able to watch about 25 mins of this and I've sat through all the Transformers movies!

At every beat of this movie I was thinking that's a bad idea. Tons of expositional dialogue for paper thin characters who blurt unfunny lines that reveal nothing about character.

The inside of the Predator's ship was like an ikea living room, with him steering the ship as if it was a Prius. Where's the imagination?

Have him suspended in liquid or something not just driving!

Anyway I switched off when I thought I was suddenly watching Iron Man 3 for some reason.

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Low budget, but ambitious sci-fi

(Edit) 28/01/2019

I gave this 4 STARS to encourage people to give it a go.

It's low budget Sci-Fi - always a difficult thing to pull off - it plays like a B-movie with a lot of ambition like the original Terminator was.

Along with some average acting and scripting it has some nice original ideas thrown in along with some inventive production design.

There is some poor plotting made up with a few good/gripping set pieces.

You could do a lot worse.

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Dark Crimes

I only managed a minute

(Edit) 08/10/2018

I think you know pretty quick whether a movie is going to be good or not. In a word GREY.

To submit a review you have to use a minimum of 100 words, which is a bit of commitment I think.

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Coming to America

Terrible, but wonderfully watchable.

(Edit) 08/10/2018

This a bizarre film. Terrible, but wonderfully watchable. It just goes to prove that formula works. With almost an entire black cast this was the Black Panther of it's day. Eddie Murphy playing a grumpy old Jewish man in a barber shop is worth the ticket price alone.

I watched it to the end )

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