Film Reviews by JZ

Welcome to JZ's film reviews page. JZ has written 7 reviews and rated 21 films.

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Hungry Hearts

Intense arthouse drama with a twist

(Edit) 02/04/2021

Arthouse film, so feels like a play, intense acting, claustrophobic, focussing on facial expressions and actions rather than heavy on dialogue, with quite an unexpected ending. A 'Sunday afternoon' watch, and goes at a good pace so you don't get bored, it is not pretentious.

The first scene is hilarously original!

Worthwhile watch for sure if you are in the mood and don't need escapism or cheering up. The ending is not that depressing at least!

Adult watch only.

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There Will Be Blood

Must watch

(Edit) 23/03/2021

I found it a hard watch, would not say I enjoyed it, but oh so respected it, and the images and acting are etched into the brain. It is a must watch despite me telling you I didnt enjoy it! It's a gritty watch. Not one for a romantic night in or escapism.

It was deliberately jumpy in its story-line making the viewer fill in the gaps, so not a smooth story, but I guess that was how it was designed, with its matching soundtrack, to illustrate big moments in the man's life that show his phases/evolution. I though the priest bit could have been a bit more telegraphed, but perhaps because D D-L was so dominating, he had to be the centre.

A shocking parable for Capitalism.

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Give it a miss

(Edit) 14/03/2021

It's a cross between Duel and Falling Down yet hasn't the originality of the former nor the reason for existence of the latter. Though a reasonable premise is given at the start, it degenerated into a one way chase, stopped only by an all too predictable ending.

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Ghost in the Shell

Looks lovely but doesn't come together

(Edit) 18/10/2020

Based on a manga cartoon, this is visually stunning but for me didnt relegated plot behind looks. It didnt gel, didnt engross the viewer, and you just wanted to get to the end to work out whether there was a story underlying all the astounding visuals. I watched in 2 days ago and can barely recall what it was about.

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Stand alone incredible movie

(Edit) 24/03/2020

Do not watch this film expecting it to be part of a franchise. It is not. It is a reimagining of a well-known character, and the film does fit it into the grander scheme of things, but it is not a 'Batman' movie. It is essential viewing for anyone who sees the Batman world as more than just an action movie.

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The Master

Pretentious waste of time

(Edit) 21/03/2020

This doesn't enlighten nor entertain.. truly not enjoyable and the acting or camera work cannot compensate when you've fallen asleep on the sofa.. and I'm a discerning intellectual film watcher! After sitting through it I had to then watch something else on TV to cleanse my mind of it.

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American Made

Fun Friday night in

(Edit) 09/09/2018

This a really fun film. Well acted. Unreal to thing this is based on a real story. Watch the special features! Acting is great. Tom Cruise is superb but so are the others so it's not a one man band. Tom Cruise does all the flying himself. Interesting to see how even someone in a great job with great family life wants more. So interesting moral tale. Dont take it too serious. Have fun with it.

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