Film Reviews by CMac

Welcome to CMac's film reviews page. CMac has written 3 reviews and rated 4 films.

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Complex but interesting thriller

(Edit) 26/03/2018

I read the book by William Boyd some years ago. The film did not disappoint. Some excellent performances and the storyline kept my wife and me engrossed to the end.

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Most interesting film

(Edit) 26/03/2018

What a superb film. Yet the brilliant young girl who played Ida appears to have done nothing else as regards acting. Kept us gripped to the end.

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My Cousin Rachel

Excellent film

(Edit) 10/11/2017

I feel that this film is very underrated. An interesting story, well acted and beautifully filmed. Kept my attention throughout.

2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.