Film Reviews by None

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Deadwood: Series 1

Another outstanding HBO production

(Edit) 02/05/2006

For women, you need to get half way through the first episode before you're hooked by the excellent character development; I imagine men will get hooked from the start --- great Western shoot 'em ups, etc. but with a lot better acting than is normally seen. I found the fact that this is based on historical events -- Deadwood existed as an outpost on Indian land, and therefore exempt from U.S. law -- makes the whole thing hold together in a very realistic manner and never a moment is it boring.

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Pride and Prejudice

Would have made Jane Austen proud -- a brillant performance.

(Edit) 13/09/2005

For once, the screenplay does not cut corners -- it follows Jane Austen's plotline without fail, which creates all the intrigue and suspense. The actors are well cast and with the beautiful sets, costumes, stately mansions and dancing, conveys the grandeur of wealthy Georgian life. And its great fun too!

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Girl with a Pearl Earring

If you love period drama, then this will satisfy.

(Edit) 18/09/2005

The film was beautiful to watch, and although the dialogue is sometimes a bit slow-paced, I thought the overall impact was stunning. It gives you a taste of what life looked and felt like in 17th Century Delft-- all those Dutch paintings that are so fascinating to look at. I knew nothing of Vermeer, and now I want to visit an art museum to find out more .... impressive stuff.

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