Film Reviews by kb

Welcome to kb's film reviews page. kb has written 2 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Four Last Songs

Oh Dear

(Edit) 14/08/2020

I found it unfunny I'm afraid, contrived and a bit on the silly side- the last 10 minutes were the best.

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Let the Sunshine In

Oh Dear

(Edit) 17/06/2020

Tried to like it but found the story was just repeating a series of the heroine's past uninteresting 'love affairs' all much the same, that is until the arrival of a weird looking new 'possible' as a lover, BUT not clear if he was a recent attraction or a further left over from the distant past.......thought he would brighten things up by bumping a few people off but no just stood around boring the pants off everyone whatever ......

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