Film Reviews by None

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Crusade: Complete Series

Not as good as the original

(Edit) 04/07/2007

Having been a very big fan of the original Babylon 5 series, I thought I would give this a try. The original Babylon 5 was great, had a very strong and involving storyline, and was good fun to watch. Compared to Babylon 5, this series is a bit of disappointment, the storyline seems a little on the shallow side, and not particularly engrossing. Some of the characters are a little bit cringeworthy aswell, and there are plenty of cirny lines to go around. Crusade just doesn't feel that well written.

However, it is quite entertaining and for me fits into the 'passes an evening quite nicely but don't expect too much from it' category. It is quite similar to the various Star Trek spin offs in that respect. Any real dedicated fans of Babylon 5 or Star Trek will probably love it, bu tI just found it lacking in depth.

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Law and Order: Criminal Intent: Series 1

Goran's gonna get them

(Edit) 04/07/2007

This series is a very good watch if you like detective/crime/murder dramas. It would be quite a mediocre series if it weren't for the brilliant character of Detective Goran, who seems to have some kind of background in psychological profiling and uses it to good effect. Being also a bit socially quirky, it is great fun to watch Goran and Eames pin their suspects into a corner and get them to confess using all sorts of psychological games. It reminds me quite a lot of the old Columbo series where half the entertainment comes from watching the detective play cat and mouse with their suspects.

The only issue with it is, if you are the sort of person who like the mystery of 'whodunnit', you may be a little disappointed as they often show who does it to start off with and the story is more about how the detectives catch them.

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