Film Reviews by grayonna

Welcome to grayonna's film reviews page. grayonna has written 2 reviews and rated 9 films.

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Snow Cake

A Gem of a movie

(Edit) 03/02/2022

I don’t often write reviews on here but I could not praise this movie more the cast the storyline the acting is amazing so much so I got a copy second hand before posting this back.

The only thing that annoys me about this movie is that signorney did not get an Oscar for her portrayal of an autistic woman.

This movie will make you laugh and cry it’s amazing   

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The Craft: Legacy

Good but not Great

(Edit) 05/11/2021

Before watching this movie I mad the mistake of revisiting the original movie before watching this one.

the original is still so good and watching this new one was deflating we don't get enough time with some of the characters.

still an enjoyable film and a twist to finish on give it a watch if your a fan.

and if you have not seen the first movie rent it asap

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