Film Reviews by None

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Try an Almodovar, You'll love it!

(Edit) 11/06/2007

This is a great comical introduction to Almodovar. The film is told thyrough the main character (Kika) and her relationships with a set of bizarre characters. Theses include a mid-op' transexual Lesbian man (no stereotypes here), a serial rapist, a psychologist talk show host dressed in ever-more wonderful Gaultier creations and an author who kills for the sake of a credible plot in his writing.

The film is highly stylish, at times sexy, and full of vitality.

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Mr. Hulot's Holiday

Nostalgic comedy

(Edit) 02/07/2007

Jacques Tati has a child-like innocence in his approach to film making. Although this film was made in 1953, it still retains its powerful charm. There is very little dialogue; instead the focus is on farcical situations as his holiday progresses.

The title theme music pulls the feel-good scenes together, and leaves you nostalgically longing for something you had never missed before then. His 'mon oncle' follow up is more polished, coming some 8 years later (and with more dialogue/in colour). This film will make you laugh.

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