Film Reviews by None

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Zathura - The perfect action movie for the whole family

(Edit) 31/08/2006

Zathura is one of those films that you may have never heard of. I was not familiar with anything about this film, never heard of any of the actors, director, producer etc. I had walked past a poster once for it, but that was it. So wow, what a brilliant surprise when we watched it. If you are a fan of all those 50's/60's Sci-Fi B Movies, taking in a bit of Flash Gordon and never ending story along the way, then you'll love this. Robots, Aliens and Spaceships galore make this a brilliant family action adventure that all the kids and adults will enjoy. With the usual American subplot about family love and the importance of caring for each other. Two brothers find a space adventure game and once they start playing find themselves inside the game in outer space. A simple lighthearted and very colourful film that gets you jumping, screaming and crying all at the right moments. You really get involved with this film, it draws you in so much, then leaves you with a really nice feel good feeling. For those with hearing loss the subtitles were very good too and easy to follow. Highly recommended for an evening with the family. Don't forget your popcorn, the kids will love it.

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Nanny McPhee

Nanny McPhee - Perfect family viewing

(Edit) 12/08/2006

A modern version of Mary Poppins in the typically camp, if not slightly over the top American style of gothic filmaking akin to films like 'A series of unfortunate Adventures' and the remake of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. The actors camp it up in fine style and actually look like they had great fun making the film. Not being familiar with the original 'Nurse Matilda' stories, from which this is taken, I found the storyline to be very thin. The special effects were everywhere, but not that special. And it really did look like the film makers had pinched scenes from lots of other peoples films, such as the winter scenes from 'Narnia', or the witchy scenes from Road Dahl's 'Witches' etc. But the whole film is brought together in such a lighthearted, wickedly camp way, that makes for a great family film. A real romp of fun. Children and adults will love this film and associate themselves with the characters, you can really get inside and get carried away with all the action.

For those with hearing loss, the subtitles in English are good. And as this is presented in widescreen format, the subtitles appear on the bottom black section, nicely complimenting rather than struggling with the film.

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