Film Reviews by None

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Here Come the Girls

Don't bother!!

(Edit) 12/10/2010

what a bitter disappointment, you think your going to see several short stories, but in fact they're just snippets, as if it's just one scene from a story. Frustrating and a complete waste of time.

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(Edit) 05/03/2010

I was so looking forward to seeing Beyonce in a more challenging role from her previous films but she backed a lame horse here! The story is a typical cliched happy successful couple with beautiful child living in huge house, then along comes beautiful sexy temptress who develops an 'obsession' with the husband etc etc, the other actors overshadow Beyonce's perfomance, but she is so over the top she ruins what could have been a watchable film. This film could be an episode from any tv series. It was like a pie with hardly any filling. Disappointing.

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