Film Reviews by Dom

Welcome to Dom's film reviews page. Dom has written 2 reviews and rated 1 films.

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A Ghost Story

A Fairly Haunting Story

(Edit) 26/07/2018

I wasn't sure about this film and I do agree with another reviewer, that it could have done without the painfully slow pie-eating scene.

Having said that, I liked the way the narrative structure supported the dinner party guest's philosophical argument, about time and forgetting. Interesting metaphysical argument, but it must have been difficult for Casey Affleck to stand so still, for long periods.

On balance, refreshing take on a much-filmed genre.

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The Girl on the Train

This Train Was Worth a Ticket

(Edit) 05/07/2018

Decently acted and stylish thriller.

Not sure it was as clever or profound as it tried to be, but I would watch it again.

I'll give it a rating of 5/10.

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