Film Reviews by CR

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Cynical Hollywood take on an arthouse film

(Edit) 23/08/2023

The machinery that is American filmmaking every so often puts together a  mock arthouse film, usually to get the lead an Oscar. Here we have such an example, with bits of cod philosophy "raising" the tone. With wooden camerawork and random editing, it meanders along. Anyone with a foot in music like me cannot help laughing out loud at the Mahler performance. Finally, the committee couldn't work out how to end this mess so it morphed into a bit of Star Wars, at least the punters will go away whistling a tune they know.

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Waiting for Happiness

Subtle film

(Edit) 27/11/2019

The structure of the film is elusive so it took awhile to lock on to it. But then it became totally immersive. It explores belonging and exile, we have those who have found their place and those who are finding there place, economic migrants but maybe they just have a curiosity to explore or a simple wish like the Chinese man to be elsewhere. Next time you go on a holiday to somewhere different think on this film

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Paris in the Springtime


(Edit) 11/02/2019

This is supposed to be a gem in American live TV. Maybe from the low standards of their productions it means something, I stuck with it fascinated by how bad it was and the insularity of its values.

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