Film Reviews by BW

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Game for Vultures

A bit like The Wild Geese

(Edit) 28/09/2021

Look, this is no cinematic masterpiece, but if you have an interest in the genre, or the history of Rhodesia/post-/colonialism, this is an extremely good film, and very balanced. (Also some wonderful '70s touches!)

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Great fun, and gorgeous to watch

(Edit) 28/09/2021

A (female) reviewer complained that this film catered exclusively for the male gaze - well, I'm male so that's a plus for me. It's my favourite Sorrentino film, and I suppose the girls are partly responsible - beautifully shot, stunningly beautiful, topless, and enjoying each other's company. I just can't imagine any Brit or American filmmaker making those 'girly' sequences anything like this stylishly. In fact, nowadays they wouldn't even dare try. You've got to hand it to the Italians. I just wish you could get hold of the longer version which was released as two films in Italian cinemas.

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