Film Reviews by None

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Three Colours: Red

A rich Red

(Edit) 14/11/2014

Apparently slow-paced, 'Red' actually takes very little time to build a tableau that challenges the tidy little world of Valentine (Irene Jacob) and raises questions about what it is to play at God, or make connections with our fellow human. I was slow to realise how the plots were going to interlace: I don't want to give the ending away, so I'll just say that an apparently disconnected subplot turns out to be very much connected in a melodramatic, but emotionally rewarding, manner. Throughout, there are amusing allusions to the wider Blue/White/Red trilogy. The only negative: perhaps the red theme is visually overdone? But this is a quibble for a movie that will undoubted go on rewarding with repeated viewings. My favourite of the trilogy is undoubtedly Blue, with Red a close second.

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