Film Reviews by PS

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Blade Runner 2049

A Masterpiece that most fans of the original will relish

(Edit) 10/02/2018

The sheer vast bleakness of this future world is stunning and breathtaking. If you enjoyed the original you’re likely to love this sequel. It is faithful to the original but it explores the ideas and concepts even further taking us in a new direction.

Some of my friends didn’t like it. It can’t be described as a cheerful film. Don't expect a blockbuster superhero or even a Star Wars type film. This is slower and more thoughtful. It’s a long so settle down and let it wash over you. It’s an amazing experience on a big screen.

I was so impressed I went back for a second showing a few days after I first saw it. Once in IMAX 3D and once on a big Empire Impact screen. It was stunning both times and I picked up even more on the second viewing.

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