Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 5 reviews and rated 262 films.

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Scary movie!

(Edit) 08/07/2008

A very jumpy movie that I could not of possibly watched on my own. It is a very leave your brain at the door and just enjoy the movie for what it is as the acting isnt exactly Oscar worthy but all in all an entertaining film.

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The Ordeal

The Ordeal

(Edit) 02/07/2008

This film was extremly slow paced but kept your attention all the way through. It was a good movie with a poor ending. My partner and I both agreed if the ending had been stronger this would have been a great film.

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Cry Wolf

Easy going murder mystery

(Edit) 13/06/2008

I saw the previews to this film and thought it was worth a watch but have to say it could've been better. The plot was quite clever but it was just missing some oomph. I think what spoiled it for me was the flash forwards in time, showing you what was already going to happen in the rest of the movie, which made you wonder whats the point? Good idea, poor delivery.

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Rad Ghengis Khan Movie!

(Edit) 20/06/2008

What a fantastic movie! It really shows the softer side to the bloodthirsty legend of Ghengis Khan. The battle scenes were pretty gory, just what you want to see when people fight with swords. Splattering blood everywhere like in the Japanese samurai movies.

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Pride and Prejudice

Lovely film!

(Edit) 13/06/2008

After seeing the BBC version I thought I would never enjoy another version of Pride and Prejudice but I was wrong. The characters are portrayed brilliantly and you feel like your on a emotional rollercoaster as you watch the relationship between Mr Darsy and Lizzy develop. I admit to even getting a bit tearful at the end. If only real love could be that romantic!

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