Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 8 films.

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I, Robot

A movie to watch!

(Edit) 20/05/2005

Will Smith at what his knows best!

Let's not kid ourselves here! Will Smith is not cut out to be an actor who will perform in a social drama or a horror movie! It's comedy and adventure what he's good at and this movie proves it as well!

Set out in 2035, Will Smith apparently is the only one who doesn't trust robots and thinks that there is something more to them (the psyche we find out a little later on!). And he is out to get them!

A movie that you will want to see. Action packed, the story line is OK and the actors perform very well!

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The Rock

A movie not to miss!

(Edit) 20/05/2005

This is my favourite movie for many reasons! First of all, you've got the two "monsters" starring in one movie: Sir Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage. So, you know from the start that this movie is bound to be good. And it is indeed even better than good! It is great.

The plot seems pretty plausible, especially in this day and age. The cast is carefully selected and the performance put up by all the actors is just amazing.

Secondly, the film itself is very good. Be it the script, be it the music, be it I don't know what, the movie is worth having a place of its own in your DVD collection. Thirdly, the effects, although not very sophisticated are correctly used and complement the performances.

Watch it and then live it by watching it again!

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The Blues Brothers


(Edit) 13/11/2005

This movie is really a classic! Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi at their best. I love the whole laid-back, relaxed, everything-can-be-fixed mentality of the main characters, as well as their addiction to jazz music that seems to always cause them troubles.

Two musicians trying to bring their blues band back together, being on a mission from God! Oh yes, indeed...they are on a mission from God alright. They are on the mission to make us laugh till we can laugh no more...

It is worth watching at least once!

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