Film Reviews by None

Welcome to None's film reviews page. None has written 3 reviews and rated 3 films.

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Camp Blood

Oh so bad!

(Edit) 03/04/2007

This film looks like a very badly shot, badly acted student film. It is stilted, has no proper storyline and is not scary. The front cover looked atmospheric, but do not be fooled.

Please do not waste your time and rent this film, as you will wish you listened to me. I rented it despite the bad review I read and had to beat myself with a dictionary afterwards. Avoid this film!

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The Pool

Water a bad film!

(Edit) 11/04/2007

See what I did there?!

This film was promising to start with, but soon became boring and generic. The characters were dull and not believable and there was an underlying sense of student film about it. I did not care for any of the characters, so when they were all picked off one by one, it was the hightlight of the film!

The main 'plot' of the film is about college students leaving uni after exams and blowing off steam. They decide to have an after party and break into a house with a pool. Cue drunken antics, sex, secrets and a stalker wearing a skull mask.

Without spoiling the ending of the film, the stalker turns out to have a very lame motive for the killings and is laughable.

The film seems too pleased with itself, but in reality, it reduces itself to horror by numbers. A big disappoiontment.

Do not watch, as it is not even so

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House about that!

(Edit) 11/04/2007

I rented this film because it reminded me of old horror films I used to watch as a kid.

A family moves from LA to Australia to start a new life. The house they buy has not been lived in for 30 years due to the owner's two children being killed in the cubby house by his brother, a devil worshipper.

A few strange things happen, but nothing really scary. I have to admit that I fell asleep near the end, as it became quite dull.

Not the worst film in the world, but certainly not the best.

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