Film Reviews by RideFlame

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American Made

Something here of Breaking Bad?

(Edit) 05/10/2022

I will keep this brief - firstly, after reading reviews I didn't expect to enjoy this film - I expected it to be shallow. And it is true that so much happens in the lives of the people involved , it could not possibly be captured adequately by one movie! As in Breaking Bad - how many hours did that take? - the film shows that bad choices happen for reasons no one with any common sense would believe; out of hubris and pride, because of the need for money, for the exhilaration of power and for the highest high possible (the drug-free dopamine rush of being 'cleverer than anyone else!) Tom Cruise is perfect in this role! Worth watching just as background info of how politics and the good ideas of those in power - make even less sense than the hopes and fears of those caught up in the loops, lies and manipulations, ultimately doing their bidding.

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Human Capital

Thoughtful drama.

(Edit) 18/10/2017

A story about people. A tragic incident occurs and we are shown the events that led to this. We watch the hopes and fears of all involved unfold, as seen through each person's eyes. We see how each thread of hope, fear and lie, weaves together a net. And watch as the net begins to pull people down into destruction. Beautifully acted, with the role of the estate agent played as if by an Italian version of Alan Partridge.

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