Film Reviews by DC

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Very disappointing

(Edit) 04/09/2018

Some consider this one of the greatest films ever made!

I just don't get it, this is the worst Visconti film I've seen.

There are fundamental weaknesses in the film:

1) A dull story

2) Miscast leads, Valli over-acts (her facial expressions are way over the top) and Granger is unconvincing. They have no chemistry at all.

3) It's impossible to care about the characters.

4) I just couldn't believe that Countess Livia Serpieri (Valli) would do the things she did. It was totally out of character, I know she was in love but this was taking it too far.

I'm glad I've seen it so I can tick it off as another of Visconti's work but it's the only one of his films I've seen so far that I have no interest in watching again.

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